Workshops AWS Immersion Days
AWS Immersion Day workshops were created to help customers experience different areas of knowledge in Amazon Web Services and help them use services efficiently and cost-effectively.

AWS Immersion Day workshops were created to help customers experience different areas of knowledge in
Amazon Web Services and help them use services efficiently and cost-effectively.
CloudDog is authorized to deliver various workshops from the program, including General, Containers, Security & Compliance, Landing Zone, Serverless, and Database Migration.
Relevant Content
Content is created and updated by the AWS Global Solutions Architect team, covering the most relevant aspects for AWS customers worldwide.
Hands-On Labs
Hands-on, individualized experience on the topics covered on each workshop day, can be conducted in customer Lab accounts or CloudDog accounts.
Workshops are conducted for free as a benefit to CloudDog and AWS customers.
Flexible Location
Workshops can be conducted in-person at your company's premises, at the CloudDog auditorium, or even remotely.
Workshop Topics
CloudDog has certified and trained architects to deliver workshops on the following topics.
Covers various aspects of Amazon Web Services cloud, serving as a foundation for learning other topics.
- Introduction to AWS & EC2 Overview
- AWS Documents and Resources
- Monitoring and Logs in AWS
- AWS Security Overview
- Architecture Best Practices
- AWS Networking
- AWS Storage
- AWS Databases
Inspires development teams to think outside the box, work with AWS Lambda, and promote the concept of serverless applications within the organization.
- Introduction
- Web Applications
- Authorization
- Data Processing
- DevOps
- Image Processing
- Multi-Region
- Security
Details the usage of containers using the AWS ECS service and associated resources.
- Introduction to Containers and Docker
- Introduction to ECS and ECR
- Introduction to EKS and ECR
- Introduction to Fargate and ECR
- ECS Service Discovery and Monitoring
- Windows Containers
Security & Compliance
Helps understand the principles and tools of security and compliance in AWS.
- AWS Security Fundamentals and Shared Responsibility Model
- Lab - AWS Console, CloudTrail, and Config
- Identity and AWS Best Practices
- Lab - Working with IAM Roles and Policies
- Best of Best Practices
Landing Zone
Presents the Landing Zone to apply best practices for managing more complex environments requiring a higher level of compliance.
- What is a Landing Zone?
- Core Account Structure
- Security Components
- User Access and Account Vending Machine
- Extensibility, Connectivity, and Security Measures
- Included AWS Services
- AWS Marketplace and Service Catalog Options
Database Migration
This workshop allows practical use of the Database Migration Service and the Schema Conversion Tool, with guidance from a Solutions Architect for specific scenarios and best practices for RDS.
- Introduction to Database Migration Service
- AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT)
- AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)
- Best Practices for SQL Server Migration
- Best Practices for Oracle Migration
Authorized to Deliver Immersion Days Workshops
In July 2020, CloudDog was accredited to conduct AWS Immersion Day workshops, providing specialized technical proficiency to deliver specialization workshops to its customers.
CloudDog is authorized to deliver various workshops from the program, including General, Containers, Security & Compliance, Landing Zone, Serverless, and Database Migration.
Talk to Our
Experts in AWS Cloud
Contact us and schedule an Immersion Day at your company